Helpful Resources
The Blank CCS Noun Chart
The Complete CCS Noun Chart
Adjectives & Adverbs
Infinitive Chart - By Chapter - Blank
Infinitive Chart - By Chapter - Complete
Infinitive Chart - Alpha Order - Blank
Infinitive Chart - Alpha Order - Complete
Verb Stem Patterns
XXIV Blank Verb Synopsis Single
XXIV Blank Verb Synopsis 2 Sided
XXVI Blank Verb Synopsis Single
XXVI Blank Verb Synopsis 2 Sided
XXVII Irregular Verbs - Indicative & Subjunctive
XXX Blank Verb Synopsis 2 Sided Pensum A
XXX Eligere 3rd sg M
XXX Eligere Translation
XXX Miscere 2nd sg
XXX Miscere Translation
XXX Exhaurire 3rd pl M
XXX Exhaurire Translation
Pulsare Verb Synopsis
Monēre Verb Synopsis
Sumere Verb Synopsis
Accipere Verb Synopsis
Audīre Verb Synopsis
The Complete CCS Noun Chart
Adjectives & Adverbs
Infinitive Chart - By Chapter - Blank
Infinitive Chart - By Chapter - Complete
Infinitive Chart - Alpha Order - Blank
Infinitive Chart - Alpha Order - Complete
Verb Stem Patterns
XXIV Blank Verb Synopsis Single
XXIV Blank Verb Synopsis 2 Sided
XXVI Blank Verb Synopsis Single
XXVI Blank Verb Synopsis 2 Sided
XXVII Irregular Verbs - Indicative & Subjunctive
XXX Blank Verb Synopsis 2 Sided Pensum A
XXX Eligere 3rd sg M
XXX Eligere Translation
XXX Miscere 2nd sg
XXX Miscere Translation
XXX Exhaurire 3rd pl M
XXX Exhaurire Translation
Pulsare Verb Synopsis
Monēre Verb Synopsis
Sumere Verb Synopsis
Accipere Verb Synopsis
Audīre Verb Synopsis
Extra Resources
Optional Resources: Nice to have, but not required.
501 Latin Verbs - Some parents consider this a necessity during 3/3, 2/2 and beyond.
Lingua Latina College Companion - Extra Grammar explanation
Cassell's Latin Dictonary - Hardback or Paperback
English Grammar for Students of Latin - Concise & simplistic explanation of Latin Grammar
501 Latin Verbs - Some parents consider this a necessity during 3/3, 2/2 and beyond.
Lingua Latina College Companion - Extra Grammar explanation
Cassell's Latin Dictonary - Hardback or Paperback
English Grammar for Students of Latin - Concise & simplistic explanation of Latin Grammar