Kristen displays her First Place Mosaic 7th Grade, VJCL 2015.
Not only is she creative, but smart! Her other VJCL 2015 Awards include:
Academic: 7th Latin Grammar; 9th Latin Vocabulary; 10th Mythology
Creative Arts: 2nd Couples Costume with Siobhan
Graphic Arts: 1st Mosaic; 4th Pottery; 5th Art: Watercolor; 7th: Art: Other Media
Not only is she creative, but smart! Her other VJCL 2015 Awards include:
Academic: 7th Latin Grammar; 9th Latin Vocabulary; 10th Mythology
Creative Arts: 2nd Couples Costume with Siobhan
Graphic Arts: 1st Mosaic; 4th Pottery; 5th Art: Watercolor; 7th: Art: Other Media
Ryan shows off his First Place Mosaic, 10th Grade from VJCL 2015. Ryan's other awards: First overall among all tenth-grade students Academic: 1st and Best-in-Show: Mythology; 1st: Latin Literature; 2nd: Academic Pentathlon, Roman History, Latin Mottoes; 3rd Roman Life; 5th Academic Decathlon Creative Arts: 2nd Dramatic Interpretation of Latin; 4th: Latin Oratory, Storytelling; 5th English Oratory Graphic Arts: 1st: Mosaic, Photography, Pottery; 3rd: Photographic Group, Computer-enhanced Photo. |

Mosaic Masters Josephina, Kristen, Siobhan and Gina posing for the camera!
Tim's First Place and Best in Show Mosaic at VJCL 2015.